As the weather starts to cool down, and we spend more time indoors, many homeowners turn to their gas fireplace inserts for warmth and comfort. But what happens when you encounter wasps inside your fireplace insert? Not only is it unsettling, but it can also be dangerous. 

Call a professional pest control service to safely remove wasps from your gas fireplace insert. Alternatively, you can try to remove the wasps yourself using a wasp spray or by sealing the fireplace insert, but follow the precautions to avoid getting stung or causing a fire or explosion.

Here are some tips on how to safely and effectively handle wasps in gas fireplace inserts.

Way 1: DIY Methods

If you decide to try to remove the wasps yourself, there are some methods you can try. However, it’s important to note that these methods are not as safe or effective as using a professional pest control service.

  1. Use a Wasp SprayYou can use a wasp spray to kill the wasps. This method is relatively simple, but it can be dangerous if not used correctly. Be sure to follow the instructions on the can carefully and wear protective clothing and eyewear.
  2. Seal the Fireplace Insert: You can also try to seal the gas fireplace insert to prevent wasps from entering. Use caulk or foam to seal any gaps or cracks in the fireplace insert.
  3. Soap and water solution: Mix some dish soap with water and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the solution directly on the wasps and their nest. This will suffocate the wasps and make it easier to remove the nest.
  4. Smoke: Light a smoke bomb or a piece of incense and place it in the fireplace. The smoke will irritate the wasps and make them leave the nest. Wait for a few minutes before removing the nest.
  5. Vacuum: Use a vacuum cleaner with a long hose attachment to remove the wasps and their nest. Make sure to wear protective clothing and a mask to avoid getting stung.
  6. Bag and seal: Place a plastic bag over the wasp nest and seal it tightly. Cut off the nest and dispose of it in the trash.
  7. Freeze the nest: If the wasp nest is small enough, you can freeze it by placing it in a plastic bag and putting it in the freezer for a few hours. This will kill the wasps and make it easier to remove the nest.

Way 2: Call a Professional Pest Control Service

If you discover wasps inside your gas fireplace insert, the safest and most effective way to remove them is by calling a professional pest control service. Here are some advantages of using a professional service:


  • Safety: Professional pest control technicians have the necessary training and experience to handle wasps safely, without the risk of getting stung or causing harm to yourself or others.
  • Efficiency: Professionals have the right tools and equipment to handle wasps quickly and efficiently, minimizing the risk of damage to your gas fireplace insert.
  • Thoroughness: A professional service will not only remove the wasps, but also identify and seal any entry points that could allow wasps to enter your gas fireplace insert again in the future.

Handle wasps in gas fireplace inserts:

When you call a professional pest control service, they will typically follow these steps to handle wasps in your gas fireplace insert:

  1. Inspection: The technician will inspect your gas fireplace insert to determine the location and extent of the wasp infestation.
  2. Treatment: The technician will use a combination of insecticides and other methods to remove the wasps, depending on the severity of the infestation. They may use a residual insecticide to kill any remaining wasps and prevent them from returning.
  3. Seal entry points: The technician will identify and seal any entry points that the wasps may have used to enter your gas fireplace insert.
  4. Follow-up: The technician may schedule a follow-up visit to ensure that the wasp infestation has been fully resolved.
  5. Vacuuming: A pest control technician may use a specialized vacuum to suck up the wasps and their nests. This is a non-invasive method that doesn’t require any chemicals or insecticides.
  6. Trapping: Another option is to set traps to catch the wasps. These traps are designed to lure the wasps in, and once they are caught, they can be safely removed from your home.

Cost considerations:

In terms of cost, hiring a professional pest control service to remove wasps from your gas fireplace insert will depend on many factors, including the severity of the infestation, the size of your gas fireplace insert, and your location. 

Typically, the cost will include a fee for the initial inspection and treatment, as well as any follow-up visits that may be required. It’s best to obtain quotes from several pest control services and compare their prices and services before making a decision. 

While the cost may be higher than attempting to remove the wasps yourself, the benefits of hiring a professional service far outweigh the risks and costs of a botched DIY job.

Way 3: Prevention Methods

Preventing wasps from entering your gas fireplace insert is the best way to avoid the need to remove them in the first place. Here are some prevention methods you can use to keep wasps away:

Ways to Prevent Wasps & Bees Entering your Fireplace

  1. Keep your home’s exterior tidy: Wasps are attracted to clutter and debris, so keeping your home’s exterior tidy and free of trash and clutter can help deter them from building nests in and around your home.
  2. Install wire mesh screen over chimney or vent: Installing a wire mesh screen over your chimney or vent can help prevent wasps from entering your gas fireplace insert. Be sure to choose a screen with small enough openings to prevent wasps from getting through.
  3. Seal cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior: Wasps can enter your home through small cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior. Sealing these gaps with caulk or foam can help keep wasps out.
  4. Avoid sweet smells: Wasps are attracted to sweet smells, so avoid leaving food or drinks outside and keep garbage cans tightly sealed.

1: Wire Mesh Screen Installation:

Installing a wire mesh screen over your chimney or vent is a simple and effective way to prevent wasps from entering your gas fireplace insert. The screen should be made of a sturdy material and have small enough openings to prevent wasps from getting through. 

It’s best to hire a professional to install the screen, as they will have the necessary tools and experience to do the job correctly.

2: Sealing cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior:

Sealing cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior can help prevent wasps from entering your gas fireplace insert. Use caulk or foam to fill any gaps around windows, doors, and other areas where wasps may be able to enter. 

Inspect your home’s exterior regularly for any new gaps or cracks that may have appeared and seal them promptly.

Safety Considerations

When dealing with wasps in gas fireplace inserts, it’s important to prioritize safety. Here are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

  • Wear Protective Clothing: When dealing with wasps, wear long sleeves, pants, gloves, and a hat to protect yourself from stings.
  • Do Not Disturb the Wasps: Avoid disturbing the wasps, as this can cause them to become aggressive and sting.
  • Do Not Use Flammable Materials: Do not use any flammable materials, such as gasoline or lighter fluid, to remove the wasps. This can cause a fire or explosion.

Importance of avoiding disturbing wasps:

  • Wasps can become aggressive and attack if they feel threatened, so it’s essential to avoid disturbing them. 
  • If you try to remove wasps on your own, you risk getting stung and potentially causing a more dangerous situation. 
  • It’s best to leave the job to professionals who have the necessary training and equipment.

Avoidance of chemicals or insecticides in gas fireplace inserts:

  • Using chemicals or insecticides in gas fireplace inserts can be dangerous and potentially deadly. 
  • It’s essential to avoid using any chemicals or insecticides in or around your gas fireplace insert, as they can cause a fire or explosion. 
  • Instead, call a professional pest control service to handle the situation safely.

Risks of fire or explosion if mishandled:

  • Gas fireplace inserts can be dangerous if mishandled, and attempting to remove wasps on your own can increase the risk of fire or explosion. 
  • Wasps can build their nests in the pilot light or other parts of the gas fireplace insert, and attempting to remove them without proper training can damage the equipment and cause a fire or explosion. 
  • To avoid these risks, it’s best to call a professional pest control service to handle the situation safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about using an air fryer for the first time:

Q: Can I use bug spray to kill wasps in my gas fireplace insert?

A: Yes, you can use a wasp spray to kill the wasps. However, be sure to wear protective clothing and follow the instructions on the can carefully to avoid any accidents.

Q: Can I seal the gas fireplace insert to prevent wasps from entering?

A: Yes, you can seal any gaps or cracks in the gas fireplace insert to prevent wasps from entering. Use caulk or foam to seal the gaps.

Q: Should I remove the gas fireplace insert to remove the wasps?

A: No, it’s not necessary to remove the gas fireplace insert to remove the wasps. A professional pest control service can handle the problem safely and efficiently without removing the insert.

Q: Is it safe to use insecticides to remove the wasps?

A: Insecticides can be effective in removing the wasps, but it’s important to use them safely and according to the instructions on the label. If you’re unsure of how to use the insecticide safely, it’s best to call a professional pest control service.

Q: Can I use home remedies to remove the wasps?

A: While there are many home remedies suggested for removing wasps, they are not as effective as using professional pest control services or insecticides. It’s best to call a professional if you’re unsure of how to handle the problem safely and effectively.


In conclusion, dealing with wasps in gas fireplace inserts can be a daunting task, but by prioritizing safety and considering professional pest control services or prevention methods, you can safely and effectively remove the wasps from your home. Remember, safety should always come first when dealing with pests in your home.

Alfred Lewis

Alfred Lewis

Alfred Lewis is an expert on fireplace inserts with a wealth of knowledge on the subject. He has a deep understanding of the different types, fuels, sizes, and styles of fireplace inserts available on the market, and is well-versed in the latest trends and innovations in the industry. He has a keen eye for design and can help homeowners choose the perfect fireplace insert to match their home’s decor and personal preferences.

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